Resource Teachers of Māori Ōtāgo

Ngā Takawaenga Mātauranga Māori Ki Ōtāgo

Actively promoting the revitalisation and maintenance of Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga in schools throughout Ōtagō.


Hoea te waka o te mātauranga kia pūmau tonu te reo Māori me ōna Tikanga mō ake tonu atu. Paddle forth the canoe of knowledge so that the indigenous language and customs of old continue forever.

When kura/schools require Resource Teacher of Māori (Ngā Takawaenga Mātauranga Māori) advice, guidance or support Resource Teachers of Māori Ōtāgo are here to help.

Building self sufficiency and capacity in te reo Māori me ōna Tikanga is our primary goal.

Support Available from the Resource Teachers

Ngā Kura - Schools

  • Support for bilingual and immersion programmes in schools

  • Assist teachers with curriculum planning and implementation

  • Provide teacher education in Te Reo me ōna Tikanga

  • Provide PLD for staff.

  • Production of quality resources and activities to support programmes

  • In school support

  • Assist with student assessment and programme evaluation


Ngā Iwi Whānui - The Community

  • Support for our Māori community people employed in schools

  • Facilitate links with iwi and resources

  • Provide guidance on the process for community consultation.

  • Provide training on the Treaty of Waitangi and its application for education


Ko Wai Matou? Who Are We?

Te Rōpū Takawaenga Māori o Aotearoa is the national body of Resource Teachers and Advisers of Māori known as NARTAM. This service has been operating since 1975. It has helped the education sector develop what is recognised worldwide as “progressive” Māori education programmes ranging from education totally in Te Reo Māori to Māori language programmes in mainstream schools.

There are 2 RTMs for the Otago region. The RTMs are based at Silverstream Primary School in Mosgiel. We are trained teachers with skills in Te Reo me ōna Tikanga Māori.

Our RTM group has a broad knowledge base covering areas such as second language learning techniques, computer literacy, resource development, and literacy for Māori medium, management techniques and a good working knowledge of the school system from pre-school through to tertiary levels.

There are two RTMs for the Ōtāgo region and we acknowledge gratefully the guidance and support from the RTM Management group, Kaumātua, Papatipu Rūnaka, Principals, Teachers, the Community and Education sector representatives.


Hoea te waka o te mātauranga kia pūmau tonu te reo Māori me ōna Tikanga mō ake tonu atu.

Paddle forth the canoe of knowledge so that the indigenous language and customs of old continue forever.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


03 4898577